Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dense garden plans require advice

Information about my garden -


My garden is on 2/3rds of an acre in Jefferson County, NY; near Watertown, NY 13601 -Zone 5. 2/3rds heavy shade due to buildings and established large tree canopy and 1/3 full sun. Also much of the property is closed in by stockade fence or neighboring buildings.


Constructing garden with principles of food forest tiers, an example in order from shade down to light listed below:
Evergreen trees.
Vine growing plants.
Under story forest plants; such as ferns and trout lilies.
Amur maples.
Hazelbert bushes.
Espaliered dwarf fruit trees.
Rose bushes.
Raspberry and blackberry.
Espaliered grape vine.
Hummingbird flowers.
Beneficial insect attracting perennial flowers.
Fragrant perennial flowers.


Pruned trees blocking south light and created garden beds of raised soil level.

St. Lawrence Nursery> 2nd year growth of] Lilacs. Amur maples.
1st year order] Hazelbert bush. Grape. Plum. Pear.

Jefferson County Soil and Water Conservation District > 1st year order] Norway spruce. Blue spruce. Blackberry. Raspberry.

Questions about my garden -

List of plants that I need specific variety recommendations that can grow in my area:

Nitrogen fixing clover or similar nitrogen fixing ground cover
perennial plant.
Perennial hummingbird attracting plants that are most hardy.
Bee attracting perennial flowers that are most hardy .
Fragrant perennials flowers that are most hardy.
Varieties of climbing plants that could climb full grown evergreen trees; examples I need varieties for are squash, peas, hops.
Perennial herbs, especially shade tolerant.
Forest understory varieties such as specific types of ferns or even shade tolerant perennial flowers.

Resources I need:

Recommended nurseries and seed suppliers?
Where is recommended to buy a bat box?
What book would you recommend I access at a local library to learn the specifics of espaliering fruit trees and grape vines?
Any recommendations where to access lower cost straw and composted manure in my area?

Other Advice Needed:

Any recommendations on companion planting?
What is a recommended resource for me to learn how to create a swale?
How to construct a rain water collection system that is low maintenance?

Resources for my area I recommend-